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Mick Bond

Weekly Round Up

Updated: May 14, 2021

The club’s athletes picked up 13 medals at a windswept Ashford track last weekend in the Kent County Track and Field Championships. Pride of place has to go to Holly Dixon with a very impressive double win in the senior women’s 800/1500. Front running both races against strong opposition she won the 800 in 2.13.63 and the 1500 in a PB of 4:30.48. Abigail Richards running as a first year Under 15 did really well to pick up a silver in the 800 and a 4th place in the 1500.

Holly Dixon leading the 800m

Abigail Richards leading Mia Harris at the start of the 800m

In the sprints a strong headwind put paid to times with the wind gusting up to -8m/second in some races! Despite this Dante Legister powered to victory in the under 17 100 running 11.33 into the wind. Doyin Aderinto did similarly winning the Senior Women’s 100 in 13.07 with sister Derin taking second in 13.53. Keziah Olaleye left it to the last couple of meters to snatch victory in the Under 15 girls 200m winning by 2/100th of a second in 27.48 into a 3.7m/s headwind whilst Denny Ashison in his first race for two years happily took advantage of the two favourites being DQ’d for false starts to take silver in the Under 20 100m

In the field Katie Marsh broke the 40m barrier for the first time in the under 17 Javelin with a throw of 40.44m to win gold and will certainly challenge Paige Macheath’s club record of 41.39 before the season is out. Sister Sophie Fenner also set a PB throwing 34.51 in the senior women’s hammer which earnt her a bronze medal whilst Hannah Bridge achieved 11.12m in the under 17 shot event for silver. Natalie Mann brought home two medals taking 3rd in the senior javelin (20.66m) and second in the senior shot (7.17m).

Katie Marsh and Sophie Fenner showing off their medals.

Next Saturday sees the annual young athletes trials with 63 athletes entered to date, closing date for entries midnight Thursday


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