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Christine Bond

Clip and Climb Report

Updated: Jan 11, 2021

On Friday 29th June a Cambridge Harriers ` Clip & Climb’ social evening was arranged at Sutcliffe Park by the Bond’s. The youngsters took the earlier slot whilst Christine’s Thursday group grabbed all the places for the 7pm climb and showed just how daring they are and that age is no barrier! Think some even surprised themselves,


Of all the times I’ve walked past, no one had done the drop slide from the very top yet on this night there were five! In amongst them Caroline in her 70’s!!


Unfortunately we had one casualty, poor Paul caught his little finger in his harness as he decided down from a big climb which he did in record time I think, as the harness twisted it dislocated his finger at the joint and looked both un slightly and painful, although he didn’t cry!


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